24-128. Same; petition; contents.The petition for transfer of territory from one drainage district toanother shall be addressed to the board of county commissioners of thecounty in which the drainage districts affected are situated and shalldescribe the territory to be transferred by metes and bounds, or, ifplatted, by appropriate descriptions as lots or blocks or parts of lots orblocks; from what drainage district and to what drainage district suchtransfer is sought; that the proposed transfer has been recommended by eachof the drainage districts affected by resolution duly adopted by the boardof directors of each district; that the proposed transfer of territory willresult in more efficient or more adequate protection of the territorydescribed in the petition from overflow or damage and injury resultingtherefrom, or will be conducive to the public health, convenience andwelfare. Such petition shall contain a prayer that the territory describedtherein be transferred from one drainage district named therein to anotherdrainage district named therein.
History: L. 1953, ch. 188, § 2; June 30.