24-136. Special emergency fund; transfer of surplus money.The governing body of any drainage district may establisha special emergencyfund to pay the costs and expenses resulting from an emergency within thedistrict. An emergency within the district exists byreason of current injuries to persons or property, or imminent dangerthereof, from floods or other injurious action of water in any watercourse withinthe district. In case of an emergency, the governing body of the districtmay build new dikes and levees,and repair, expand and strengthen old ones, dig ditches, build jetties, ormake any other changes, alterations and additions in existing improvements.The governing body also may buildany other new structure or other improvement it deems necessary tosolve the problems created by the emergency. Such fund need not be budgetedfor expenditure during any year, but the amount thereof shall be statedin the published budget of expenditures of the district. In addition to any levyauthorized or limited by law, the governing body may levy annually a specialemergency tax on the assessed value of all tangible taxable property withinthe drainage district. The governing body may transfer, during an emergency,any surplus money from the drainage districtgeneral fund to the special emergency fund.
History: L. 1983, ch. 118, § 23; July 1.