24-1106. Same; funds from Missouri; disbursement.The county treasurer of the proper county in Kansas is hereby authorizedto and shall receive from any officer of the state of Missouri or anysubdivision thereof such funds as shall then stand to or thereafter bereceived for the credit of such Missouri district. Such funds shall beplaced to the credit of the Kansas district so consolidated to bedisbursed for the purposes for which they were originally received forthe credit of the former Missouri district. If the Kansas district wasoriginally organized under article 6 of chapter 24 of the KansasStatutes Annotated, as amended, then any moneys so received bysuch county treasurer as proceeds of a bond issue made by the formerMissouri district shall be paid to the credit of the account of theKansas district in the bank or trust company lawfully designated, to bedisbursed as proceeds of a bond issue in accordance with K.S.A. 24-624solely for the payment of theobligations of the former Missouri district, and for the purposes forwhich said bond money was acquired.
Any funds received by the Kansas county treasurer resulting from atax levy made by the former Missouri district for organization expensesshall be disbursed by him on warrants issued by the governing body ofthe Kansas district signed by the chairman and secretary. The governingbody of the Kansas district in ordering payments thereof shall only doso in payment of organization expenses of the former Missouri districtas such funds could be lawfully disbursed upon order of the formerMissouri District. Any funds received by such Kansas county treasurerderived from a tax levy for maintenance or operating expenses shalllikewise be disbursed by said Kansas county treasurer upon warrants asaforesaid, and such warrants shall only be ordered drawn in payment ofobligations of the former Missouri district or attributable to it.
History: L. 1949, ch. 251, § 6; April 14.