24-1204. Contents of petition; form.The petition required by K.S.A. 24-1203, and amendments thereto, shallset forth:
(1) The proposed name of the district, which name shall end with thewords "watershed district number ____________." If thedistrict is located in two or more counties the name of the district shallend with the words "watershed joint district No. ____________." It shall bethe duty of the secretary of state to assign a number to each such districtin the order in which petitions for their organization are received thereby.
(2) A description of the lands to be included within the proposeddistrict, separated as to subwatersheds, if any, and identified by sectionnumbers and fractions thereof, and other platted areas as appropriate.
(3) A statement of the purposes for which the district is to beorganized.
(4) A statement of the number of persons that will constitute the boardof directors of the district, which shall be an uneven number of not lessthan three and not more than 15, together with the names and addresses ofthe persons who will constitute the original steering committee.
(5) Any other matter deemed essential.
(6) A prayer for the organization of the districts as a nonprofitcorporation.
A map showing the lands to be included in the district and subwatershedstherein, prepared in consultation with the chief engineer, shall beattached to the petition as an exhibit and incorporated therein byreference. The petition shall be in substantially the following form:
In the Matter of __________ Watershed (Joint) District Number ____,__________ and __________ counties, Kansas.
Come now the undersigned persons and state that they are landownerswithin the proposed boundaries of the aforenamed watershed district,hereinafter more fully described, and that each signer states thatthe signer's respective post-office address is set forth beside thesigner's name. That the purposes for which this district is organized are(state purposes). That a steering committee for the organization of thedistrict is hereby fixed and constituted with ______ members; that thenames of persons who will serve on the original steering committee, ofwhich the first named shall be acting chairman, and their respectiveaddresses are as follows:
The governing body of the district shall be constituted in a board ofdirectors composed of (number) qualified voters.
That attached hereto, marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof as fullyas if set forth herein, is a map showing the lands proposed to be includedin the district and subwatersheds therein:
That the lands proposed to be included in the district andsubwatersheds therein are described as follows:
That the lands proposed to be included in the district and subwatershedstherein do not embrace the territorial limits of any incorporated city, orany part thereof, except those specifically described in the petition.
Wherefore, the undersigned, individually and collectively, pray that awatershed district be organized in the manner provided by law, for thepurposes set forth herein, and that the secretary of state and the chiefengineer of the division of water resources of the Kansas department ofagriculture proceed diligently in the performance of their duties so thatthe organization of this proposed district may be completed and approved atthe earliest possible time.
Submitted to the secretary of state this ______ day of __________,____.
History: L. 1953, ch. 477, § 4; L. 1955, ch. 201, § 3; L. 1957,ch. 226, § 1;L. 1959, ch. 172, § 3; L. 1961, ch. 193, § 4;L. 1987, ch. 122, § 1;L. 2004, ch. 101, § 74; July 1.