24-1205. Petition, circulation; inclusion of city or part thereofwithin proposed boundaries, identification; filing and determination ofsufficiency of petition.A counterpart of the petition, setting forth the text of the petition infull, shall be circulated within the proposed boundaries of the district:Provided, That when an incorporated city, or any part thereof,included as a part of the lands within the proposed boundaries of thedistrict and not excluded by reference therein, the naming of the city, and[class] thereof, and a statement as to what part or all of the lands withinsaid city are to be included within the proposed boundaries of saiddistrict, shall be sufficient identification within said petition, andapproval of said watershed district formation shall be by election dulycalled by the governing body of said city for such purpose of approval ordisapproval by the qualified voters of the area in said city sought to beincluded in said watershed district, and if approved by vote, the mayor ofsaid city shall be directed to sign said petition as representative of saidland within said city limits and for the total of said lands encompassedtherein and if disapproved by the qualified voters therein, the city, orpart thereof, shall be excluded from the district.
A duplicate original or a photographic copy of the original petition,with copies of all signature sheets attached thereto, shall be furnished tothe county clerk of each county wherein lies a part of the proposeddistrict. All counterparts shall be filed with the secretary of state atthe same time and shall be received and treated by him as a singlepetition. The secretary of state shall determine the sufficiency orinsufficiency of the petition on the basis of the information as to thenumber and qualification of signers as shown by the verified enumerationfiled with the petition. In the making of such findings, the secretary ofstate shall consider the signature of the mayor of any city which hasapproved said petition as herein provided as the signature of one landownerand shall include the stated acreage within said city as being representedby said signature in computing the acreage within the district. Thesecretary of state shall endorse his findings and the date thereof on theface of the petition, and shall notify, in writing, the person designatedin the petition as the acting chairman of the steering committee of hisfindings.
History: L. 1953, ch. 477, § 5; L. 1955, ch. 201, § 4; L. 1957, ch. 226, § 2;L. 1959, ch. 172, § 4; L. 1961, ch. 193, § 5; July 1.