24-1212. Open meetings of directors; notice; quorum.Regular meetings of the board of directors shall be held no less thanonce each quarter on such dayand place as is selected by the board ofdirectors. Notice of such meeting shall be mailed to each directorat leastfive days prior to the date thereof, and special meetings may be heldat any time upon waiver of notice of such meeting by all directors or maybe called by the president or any two directors at any time. Noticein writing, signed by the persons calling any special meeting,shall be mailed to each directorat least two days prior to the timefixed for such special meeting. A majority of the directors shallconstitute a quorum for the transaction of business and in the absence ofany of the duly elected officers of the district a quorum at any meetingmay select a director to act as such officer pro tem. Each meeting of theboard, whether regular or special, shall be open to the public. Copies of theminutes of regular and special meetings shall be furnished to the stateconservation commission.
History: L. 1953, ch. 477, § 12;L. 1987, ch. 122, § 4; July 1.