24-1216. Order and procedure as to specific projects; surveys, plans,specifications and estimates of costs; filing with secretary of board; opento inspection; transmittal of approved plans to chief engineer, when;review of general plan; revisions of plan;report by chief engineer, requirements.(a) Following the adoption of the general plan and adoption of the method offinancing, the board of directors may determine the order in which specificprojects contemplated by the general plan shall be undertaken and to causeaccurate surveys of all work deemed necessary to be done and accurateestimates and calculations to be made by some competent engineer who shallprepare detailed construction plans and specifications therefor showing thelocation, amount, and character of work to be done and the estimated costof right of way, construction, maintenance and operation, which plans,specifications, and estimates of costs shall be filed in the office of thesecretary of the board and shall at all reasonable times be open to publicinspection. The board shall carefully examine and consider the same and ifthey approve such plans, specifications and estimates of costs, they shalltransmit a complete copy thereof to the chief engineer, who shall examineand study the plans and specifications as to conformance to the generalplan and other applicable state laws on water use and control and transmita written report of the results of his study and investigation to the boardwhich report shall include any changes or modifications which he deemsnecessary and which shall include a specific approval or disapproval of theplans and specifications.
(b) Ten years following approval of the general plan and every fiveyears thereafter, the boardshall review the general plan to determine if projects proposed to beundertaken by the district in its original plan are still feasibleand in current public interest. A report of the review shall be given at apublic meeting called for that purpose. This review is not required ofwatershed districts that have completed all the projects in the general plans.
Any revisions or amendments to the general plan shall be submitted tothe chief engineer in the manner provided by K.S.A. 24-1213 and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1953, ch. 477, § 16; L. 1955, ch. 201, § 10; L.1958, ch. 12, § 6(Special Session); L. 1959, ch. 172, § 11; L. 1961, ch. 193, § 14;L. 1987, ch. 122, § 5; July 1.