24-1227. Extension of territory of district; petition, contents;approval of chief engineer.The secretary of state, with the approval of the chief engineer of thedivision of water resources, shall have power, upon proper petitionbeing presented for that purpose to extend the territory of anywatershed district organized and incorporated under the provision ofarticle 12 of chapter 24 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated orany amendments thereto. The petition to extend the territory of anywatershed district shall be addressed to the secretary of state, andshall: (a) Describe the territory to be annexed by section numbers andfractions thereof, and other platted areas as appropriate, except asprovided for in K.S.A. 24-1205, as amended for the inclusion of incorporatedcities; (b) state towhat watershed district annexation is sought; (c) have a map attachedthereto as an exhibit, and incorporated therein by reference, showingsaid watershed district and the lands proposed to be annexed; and (d)show that the proposed extension of territory has been recommended bythe watershed district concerned by resolution duly adopted by itsboard.
The petition shall be circulated, signed, filed and transmitted inthe manner prescribed for the original organization of a watersheddistrict in K.S.A. 24-1203, 24-1205, 24-1206, and 24-1207, or any amendmentsthereto, andsimilar action shall be taken as prescribed in said section 24-1206, inso far as same is applicable.
History: L. 1961, ch. 193, § 18; July 1.