24-420. Action of board on engineer's report; special election;issuance of bonds.That upon the filing of the engineer's report provided for in the nextpreceding section, the board of directors shall carefully examine andconsider the same, and if they shall approve the same and determine thatthe proposed work or any part thereof ought to be done, and the costdefrayed by issuing bonds to be paid by general taxation, and the estimatedcost thereof does not exceed the amount for which such bonds may be issued,then the board of directors shall proceed forthwith to call a specialelection as hereinafter provided to vote upon the question of issuing suchbonds, and if such issue of bonds be authorized by the electors, then theboard of directors shall cause such work to be done and issue bonds to paythe cost thereof.
History: L. 1905, ch. 215, § 19; Feb. 25; R.S. 1923, 24-420.