24-467. Same; eminent domain proceedings.Whenever it shall be deemed necessary to construct any ditch,levee, dike, jetty, riprap or other protective structure across or uponthe land of any individual or corporation whether within or outside theterritorial limits of the drainage district and such individual orcorporation shall be entitled to compensation therefor, the board ofdirectors shall have the power to construct such ditch, levee, dike,jetty, riprap or other protective structure or to condemn andappropriate so much of such land as may be necessary for that purpose inthe manner hereinafter provided; and whenever it shall be deemednecessary to appropriate any private property for use by the district inwidening, deepening or otherwise improving any natural watercourse toprevent the overflow thereof or for the construction of any ditch, dike,levee, jetty, riprap, canal, drain or other work, the board of directorsshall cause a survey and description of the land so required out of thelands of any private owner (individual or corporation) to be made bya licensed land surveyor or a professionalengineer who is competent to conduct a land survey and filed withits secretary, and thereuponshall make an order declaring that the appropriation of such land isnecessary and setting forth for what purpose the same is to be used; andshall then proceed to exercise the power of eminent domain in accordancewith the eminent domain procedureact.
History: L. 1919, ch. 188, § 5; R.S. 1923, 24-467; L. 1963, ch.234, § 60;L. 2006, ch. 192, § 9; July 1.