24-473. Penalty for interfering with possession of such property;removal from property.That from and after the issuing and publishing of such proclamation, anyperson interfering with the possession of such property by the state or itsagent, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereofshall be fined in a sum of not less than one hundred dollars nor more thanone thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not less than thirty nor more thanninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and the sheriff of thecounty wherein such land is situated upon request of the governor, shallremove all persons interfering with the possession of the state or itsagent, from said land and protect the agent of the state in suchpossession.
History: L. 1911, ch. 172, § 4; Jan. 30; R.S. 1923, 24-473.