24-483. Duties of county commissioners; style and powers ofdrainage district.At the time designated for said hearing, if the board of countycommissioners shall find said application to be in proper form and thatthe requirements of law relating thereto have been complied with, itshall be the duty of said board of county commissioners to which saidapplication shall be made to cause said drainage district to beincorporated, and thereafter said drainage district shall be a bodypolitic and corporate with perpetual existence, and shall exercise itsfunctions and powers under a corporate name, approved by said board ofcounty commissioners, which shall be "The ______ Drainage District of____________ county, Kansas." (Using a suitable name and the county inwhich same is located.) Said board of county commissioners shall causean entry to be made upon its records of the incorporation of saiddrainage district and its findings and declarations relating thereto,and shall cause articles of incorporation to be issued to said drainagedistrict agreed to by said commissioners, and attested by the countyclerk over the seal of said county.
The charter of incorporation shall be conclusive evidence of the dueincorporation, and that all requisite proceedings have been compliedwith. When said charter of incorporation shall have been issued to anysuch drainage district, such drainage district shall be vested with andthereafter have all of the powers, authority, rights, privileges andjurisdictions as are provided by law in case of drainage districtsorganized and incorporated under the provisions of article 4, chapter 24of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and acts amendatory thereto andsupplemental thereof, except where the same are inconsistent with theprovisions of this act; and except as herein expressly provided, anydrainage district incorporated hereunder shall be subject to thelimitations and restrictions contained in said article 4 of chapter 24of the Kansas Statutes Annotated.
History: L. 1925, ch. 163, § 3; March 2.