24-486. Authority and powers of drainage district; bond issue;with and without election.In addition to the powers hereby conferred upon any drainagedistrict incorporated hereunder and set forth in article 4 of chapter24 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and notwithstanding any provisionstherein contained to the contrary, the drainage district, acting by andthrough its board of directors, shall have authority to cause suitableplans to be prepared and drainage work to be executed, drains to bebuilt, necessary lands and easements to be acquired, and all necessarydrainage work to be constructed and assessments for benefits to be made,in accordance with law. Such work may be done,assessments levied and bonds issued without the submission of the sameto a vote of the electors, and until and unless the total face value of thebonds issued by the drainage district, exclusive of anyinterest coupons, exceeds the sum of 5%of the assessed valuationof all of the taxable property located within thedrainage district, asdetermined by the last assessment thereof as shown by the records in theoffice of the county appraiser. Bonds may be issued and specialassessments may be levied and spread to redeem the same, with interest,without the submission of same to a vote of the electors of thedistrict. If the total amount ofbonds issued bythe drainage district equals or exceedsthe above-named sum, no bondsshall be issued or assessments made without the submission of theproposition to a vote of the electors of the district as otherwiseprovided by law. All assessments shall be made as provided by K.S.A.24-422, and amendments thereto, by thethree disinterested assessors appointed by the board of directors fromthe electors of the county or counties in which the district is located.
History: L. 1925, ch. 163, § 6; L. 1983, ch. 49, § 73; May 12.