24-491. Same; money or credits from federal government.The board of directors of any such district is hereby authorizedand directed to apply for and accept and receive gifts, or grants, orloans of money or credits, in whole or in part for the carrying out ofany project or projects or improvement or improvements undertaken underthis act, from the government of the United States, or any agencythereof: Provided, That money secured through such gifts or grantsor loans shall be used exclusively for the payments of labor inconnection with the works and improvements hereby authorized. Power andauthority is hereby granted to the board of directors of any suchdrainage district to comply with all conditions and restrictions imposedby any lender or donor of funds, and do all things necessarilyincident and proper to meet such requirements and conditions.
History: L. 1933, ch. 63, § 3 (Special Session); Nov. 30.