24-504. Proclamation by governor; date for election of directors;record of proceeding.Whenever a majority of the counties to be included within the proposeddrainage district have reported in favor of the organization of saiddrainage district, under the provisions of this act, the secretary of stateshall report such fact to the governor of Kansas, who shall forthwithdeclare, by suitable proclamation, the territory described in said petitionand set forth in the reports of said commissioners to constitute a publiccorporation, and the freeholders owning lands within such bounds, andresident within the state of Kansas, to be incorporated as a drainagedistrict under the name designated in said petition, and thenceforth thesaid territory and the freeholders thereof, who are residents of the stateof Kansas, and their successors, shall constitute a body politic andcorporate under said corporate name and shall give perpetual succession.
In said proclamation the governor shall designate the last Tuesday ofthe next succeeding calendar month following the issuing of saidproclamation on which an election shall be held in each of the counties tobe included within the proposed drainage district for the purpose ofelecting directors of said corporation, in number and in the mannerhereinafter provided. The secretary of state shall make and keep full andcomplete records of the organization of all drainage districts organizedunder the provisions of this act, showing the findings and decisions of theboards of county commissioners and all of the acts of the governor inconnection with the organization thereof, a true and correct copy of whichhe shall forward to the said boards of county commissioners within fivedays after the issuing of the governor's proclamation provided for in thissection, and they shall spread the same upon their records.
History: L. 1911, ch. 170, § 4; March 27; R.S. 1923, 24-504.