24-508. Ballots and nominations.The ballots for the first election herein provided for shall befurnished by the county, and the county clerk is hereby instructed to placeas candidates on said ballots the names of such electors, as defined in thenext preceding section, as may be nominated for the office of director bypetition signed by not less than five electors of the county entitled tovote at said election, and accompanied by the written consent of thefreeholder so nominated to become a candidate for such office; and if thereis to be elected a director at large, as hereinbefore provided, he shall benominated by petition signed by not less than ten electors, and suchpetition, together with his written consent to become a candidate for saidoffice, shall be filed with the clerk of each of the counties of saiddrainage district. All nominating petitions shall be filed with said clerksat least ten days prior to the date set for said election. At allsucceeding elections for director the candidates shall be nominated in likemanner but the petitions shall be filed with the secretary of the board ofdirectors, who will cause to be placed on the ballots the names of allpersons so nominated.
History: L. 1911, ch. 170, § 8; March 27; R.S. 1923, 24-508.