24-509. First election.At the time appointed therefor in the proclamation incorporating saiddrainage district, the first election shall be held, at which the directorsprovided for in this act shall be chosen. At this election the personsreceiving the highest number of votes for county director in each countyshall be declared elected county director, and the person receiving thehighest number of votes for director at large in the entire district shallbe declared elected director at large. The judges and clerks shall qualify,and the election shall be held, the results ascertained and the returnsmade in the same manner as is provided by law for general county elections,except as in this act provided: Provided, That the returns on theelection of the director at large shall be made to the secretary of state,the returns canvassed and certificate of election issued as in the case ofthe election of state officers.
History: L. 1911, ch. 170, § 9; March 27; R.S. 1923, 24-509.