24-516. Bond election; notice; canvass of returns.After the approval of the plans, specifications and estimates by theschool of engineering, the board of directors shall order an election tobe held, in the manner hereinafter provided, for the purpose ofsubmitting to the electors of the district the proposition to issueimprovement bonds for the purpose of carrying on the work laid out insaid plans, specifications and estimates, or such portion thereof as theboard of directors may deem necessary: Provided, That all workshall be done in harmony with the first subdivision of K.S.A.24-514. A proclamation calling such electionshall be published in at least one newspaper of each county in thedistrict, stating the time and places when and where said election shallbe held. Said proclamation shall be published at least ten days beforethe time set for said election and shall contain the names of the judgesand clerks appointed for each precinct designated therein.
The polls shall be kept open from eight a.m. to six o'clock p.m., andthe returns made and the results ascertained in the same manner asprovided by law for general county elections, except that the returnsshall be made to and canvassed by the board of directors of thedistrict. The board of directors shall meet and canvass the returns ofall such elections and declare the result, and if a majority of thosevoting at the election authorize the issuing of the bonds, the board ofdirectors shall have power to issue the same and cause the work forwhich they were authorized to be done.
History: L. 1911, ch. 170, § 16; March 27; R.S. 1923, 24-516.