24-620. Expenses apportioned to street, highway or railroad;collection.That when any ditch, drain, improved watercourse, dike, levee or otherdrainage improvement located and established under this act crosses, drainsor protects, either in whole or in part, any street, highway, public orcorporate road or any railroad, or benefits any or either of said streets,road or railroad the board of supervisors shall apportion and set off tothe county if a county road, or township if a township road, or to acompany if incorporated, or a railroad or to a city or village if a streetor alley, a portion of the costs and expenses of the whole drainageimprovement the same as to private individuals and in proportion to thebenefits conferred by such drainage improvement in said streets, roads andrailroads.
Any apportionment of the costs and expenses of the drainage improvementsthat may be levied as a special tax or assessment against the property ofany corporate road, or any railroad or any telegraph or telephone companyfor benefits accruing to the property of any said corporations situatedwithin the physical boundaries of such drainage district, shall be enforcedand collected in the same manner that state and county taxes are enforcedagainst them under the general revenue law of the state. Any apportionmentof the costs and expenses aforesaid to a county, township, city or villageshall be filed as a claim with the county, township, or city clerk as thecase may be, and may be enforced and collected as other judgments againstsuch corporations are enforced and collected.
History: L. 1911, ch. 168, § 20; May 22; R.S. 1923, 24-620.