24-641a. Same; special election of officers, when.Whenever a drainage district has been organized as provided in K.S.A.24-641 and the officers have failed orneglected to qualify for one election provided for by law or an electionof officers has not been held, a special election may be called by fivepercent of the property owners in said district by filing a petition forsuch election with the county clerk and upon the filing of such petitionthe clerk shall forthwith publish a notice calling an election at a timeto be fixed by him not less than ten days and not more than thirty daysfrom the first publication of said notice and at such time there shallbe elected supervisors or directors to serve for the period interveninguntil the next election when their successors shall be elected andqualified as by law provided. Said election shall be conducted and heldin the same manner as provided for in the first election held in suchdistrict, under the provisions relating to the organization of suchdistrict.
History: L. 1931, ch. 187, § 2; Feb. 28.