24-647. Disorganization of drainage district; petition; nature ofhearing; resolution; board of trustees.Whenever the owners of a majority in interest of the acres of realestate within the boundaries of any drainage district organized underK.S.A. 24-601 to 24-640 which district has notconstructed a drainage system, shall file their written petition withthe secretary of the board of supervisors of such drainage districtasking such board to disorganize and dissolve such drainage district,the board of supervisors of drainage district, upon finding suchpetition sufficient, shall within 30 days designate a time and place fora public meeting of such board of supervisors to be held within sixtydays thereafter to consider such petition and give notice thereof to theowners of land within the drainage district in the same manner asrequired for an election meeting under K.S.A. 24-606. Said board of supervisorsshall hold such meeting andall owners of real estate situated within the drainage district and allother parties interested may attend and shall be heard by the board ofsupervisors as to any reasons why such drainage district should orshould not be disorganized and dissolved. After such hearing the boardof supervisors shall have power to adopt a resolution providing thatsaid drainage district (naming it) shall or shall not be disorganizedand dissolved. Which resolution shall be sufficient if in substantiallythe following form: "Be it resolved by the board of supervisors ofdrainage district No. ____ of ________ county, Kansas, that saiddrainage district (naming it), (be) or (not be) disorganized anddissolved." A copy of such resolution, certified by the secretary to theboard of supervisors as correct, shall be filed promptly with thesecretary of state.
Upon adoption of a resolution to disorganize and dissolve such adrainage district it shall thereupon cease to exist and function as acorporation and the then board of supervisors shall become and continuea board of trustees with power to and shall conclude and finallyterminate all the affairs of the drainage district. A copy of suchresolution together with a statement of the names of the members of theboard and the name of the secretary to such board shall be filedpromptly and the names of their successors, if any, kept on file in theoffice of the clerk of the district court in which the decreeincorporating the district was rendered, which papers together with allothers pertaining thereto shall be docketed, filed and preserved by theclerk of such court under the title, "In re dissolution of drainagedistrict No. ____ of ________ county, Kansas," (naming it).
History: L. 1929, ch. 175, § 1; May 28.