24-654. Renewal, extension and restoration of articles ofincorporation; petition to court; record.(a) The owners of a majority in interest of the acres of real estatewithinthe boundaries of any drainage district organized under K.S.A.24-601 to 24-640, and amendments thereto, which district has constructeda drainage system,may at any time before or after the expiration of the number of yearsthe same was to continue as stated in the articles of association, filetheir written petition with the clerk of the district court of thecounty in which the same is located and in the case in which the decreeincorporating the district was rendered, asking for the renewal,extension and restoration of the articles of association of suchdrainage district for a number of years to be stated in such petition.
(b) Such petition shall stand for hearing following the filing of suchpetition, and uponfinding that such petition is sufficient, the district court, byits order duly entered of record, shall duly declaresuch drainage districtrenewed, extended and restored with the same force and effect as if itsarticles of association had not become inoperative and void, or wouldnot or had not expired by limitation. Within 20 days afterthedistrict court shall enter any such decree, the clerk thereof shalltransmit to the secretary of state a certified copy of the recordrelating thereto, and the same shall be filed in the officeof the secretary of state in the samemanner as the articles of association of such drainage district were originallyfiled in such office.
History: L. 1939, ch. 184, § 1;L. 2007, ch. 190, § 6; July 1.