25-1133. Special election boards; how established; when and where tomeet.(a) The county election officer of every county, which does notusevoting machines, optical scanning systems or electronicor electromechanical voting systems, shall establish a special election board.Such special election board shall consist of theelection board members in the precinct in which is located the office ofthe county election officer or the members of such additionalelectionboards of the county as the county election officer may designate. Suchspecial election board shall meet at the voting place in the precinct inwhich is located the office of the county election officer on election day.
(b) In counties where voting machines, optical scanningsystems or electronic or electromechanical voting systems are used, thecounty electionofficer shall appoint a special election board consisting of at least threemembers. Such members shall be registered voters of suchcounty. Such specialelection board shall meet in the office of the county election officer onelection day or at such time beforeelection day as the countyelection officer deems necessary.
History: L. 1973, ch. 155, § 3;L. 1996, ch. 187, § 29; Apr. 25.