25-1443. Contests of statewide question submitted elections; three-memberdistrict judge panel; assignment by supreme court.When a notice of contest is filed in the district court of Shawneecounty in the case of an office voted for statewide or in the case of aquestion submitted upon a statewide basis, the case shall be heard and determinedby three district judges of the state assigned by the supreme court. Ifthere be a division of opinion of such district judges that of the majorityshall prevail. The clerk of the district court shall notify the supremecourt when any such notice is filed. When the supreme court receives suchnotice, it shall assign as soon as practicable such judges and specify onesuch judge as the chief judge. The supreme court shall also specify theday and hour of convening of such three district judge panel.
History: L. 1978, ch. 138, § 10; July 1.