25-1446. Procedure for court proceedings in the election contest.The notice of contest, answer and application to intervene (ifpermitted) shall be treated as the pleadings in the case, and may beamended in the discretion of the court. The contest proceedings shallbe heard as soon as practicable and within twenty (20) days after thefiling of the notice of contest. Notice of the time and place of thehearing shall be given as directed by the court. The matter shall betried by the court in the manner provided for the trial of civil actionsso far as practicable and the provisions of K.S.A. 20-311d, 20-311e, 20-311fand 20-311g, shall be applicable toelection contests. Except as otherwise provided by this act, the code ofcivil procedure shall be applicable to contests of elections authorizedby this act.
History: L. 1978, ch. 138, § 13; July 1.