25-2420. Election fraud by an election officer.Election fraud by an election officer is, while being charged with anyelection duty, and with intent to hinder, prevent or defeat a fairelection: (a) Receiving any vote by any person who is not a registeredvoter or otherwise qualified to vote.
(b) Receiving any vote offered by any person who shall have votedpreviously at the same election.
(c) Possessing any falsely made, altered, forged or counterfeit pollbooks, registration books, party affiliation lists, election abstracts orreturns or any other election papers.
(d) Receiving, canvassing, counting or tallying any ballots, votes orelection returns which are fraudulent, forged, counterfeited or illegal.
(e) Issuing, granting, mailing or delivering any false, fraudulent orillegal certificate of nomination or certificate of election.
(f) Declaring or otherwise proclaiming any false election result.
(g) Declaring or otherwise proclaiming any election result based uponfraudulent, fictitious or illegal votes.
(h) Entering or writing upon any poll book, registration book or partyaffiliation list the name of any person not qualified to vote.
(i) Entering or writing upon any poll book, registration book or partyaffiliation list the name of any person who has not voted when in fact suchperson has not voted.
Election fraud by an election officer is a severity level 10,nonperson felony.
History: L. 1974, ch. 157, § 14;L. 1993, ch. 291, § 206; July 1.