25-2905. Folding of ballots; clipping and deposit of ballots.If not already folded, the election board shall fold each ballot beforehanding the same to a voter. If more than one ballot is to be handed to avoter, the ballots in the set shall be folded separately. Ballots shall befolded so that the names of candidates are concealed and the printedendorsement and ballot number are on the outside of the folded ballot.Before leaving the voting booth, the voter shall refold each of his ballotsseparately in the manner he received it and so that the names of candidatesand marks on the ballot are concealed. Upon leaving the booth the votershall deliver his ballot or set of ballots to one of the judges, who shallforthwith, and in the presence of the voter and of the election board,properly clip the number therefrom and deposit the ballots in theirrespective ballot boxes.
History: L. 1968, ch. 406, § 28; April 30.