25-3001. Reading, counting and recording votes; entries and totals ontally sheets.Election boards shall make the original canvass according to thefollowing procedure:
(a) A ballot box shall be opened and a judge designated by thesupervising judge shall take the ballots out of the box either one at atime or in limited quantities as authorized by the supervising judge.
(b) A judge shall read and announce the vote on the ballot for eachcandidate. In reading and announcing the vote on ballots, the judge shallso place the ballot that another member of the election board may view theballot as the vote is announced. The clerks shall make a tally markopposite the name of each candidate receiving a vote as announced by thejudge. Such tally marks shall be made upon tally sheets provided by thecounty election officer. The supervising judge may direct a judge toperform the functions of a clerk for limited periods during the canvass andthereby temporarily relieve one or both clerks.
(c) After one judge announces the votes upon a ballot, he shall hand thesame to a second judge, who shall examine it and dispose of it as providedin this act.
(d) Void and blank ballots shall be announced by the judge, and theclerks shall make one tally mark for each such ballot opposite the properdesignation on the tally sheet.
(e) From time to time during the canvass the clerks shall compare tallysheets and reconcile any differences to the satisfaction of a majority ofthe election board. When the canvass is completed, the number of votesreceived by each candidate shall be written in the indicated place on thetally sheet.
History: L. 1968, ch. 406, § 30; April 30.