25-3304. Declaration of party or voter affiliation; change ofaffiliation.(a) Any person who has declared such person's party or voteraffiliation in the mannerprovided by law shall be listed on avoter affiliation listas a member of a registered politicalorganization, or on a party affiliation list if a member of a recognizedpolitical party, unless the person's name is purged orremoved therefrom as provided by K.S.A. 25-3303, and amendmentsthereto, or unless the person changes party or voter affiliation asprovided in this section.
(b) Any person, who, having declared a partyor voter affiliation, desiresto change the same, may filea written declaration with the county election officer, stating thechange of party or voter affiliation. Such declaration shall be filednot less than 14 days prior to the date of any national, state,county ortownship primary election. The countyelection officer shall entera record of such change on the party or voter affiliation list of suchprecedingprimary election in the proper column opposite the voter's name.
(c) Any person who has never declared aparty or voter affiliation in thecounty in which such person resides mayfile a written declaration with the county election officer, stating theperson's party or voter affiliation. Suchdeclaration shall be filed not lessthan 14 days prior to the date of any national, state, county ortownshipprimary election. The county election officer shall enter a recordof such declaration on the party or voter affiliation list of the precedingprimary election in the proper column opposite the voter's name.
History: L. 1927, ch. 203, § 3; L. 1968, ch. 406, § 86; L. 1972,ch. 145, §2;L. 1988, ch. 119, § 4;L. 1991, ch. 102, § 2; July 1.