25-3507. Canvass of election; certificate of election.In cases to which subsection (c) or (d) of K.S.A. 25-3503 apply,canvass of the election shall be conducted as for other elections ofUnited States congressmen. In all other cases to which this act applies,intermediate canvass of the election shall be made by the county boardsof canvassers at ten o'clock a.m. on the second day following theelection, unless such day is a Sunday or holiday, in which case suchcanvass shall be on the next following day which is not a Sunday orholiday. County election officers shall dispatch the abstract of theintermediate canvass to the secretary of state immediately uponcompletion of the canvass by the board of county canvassers. The stateboard of canvassers shall meet in the office of the secretary of stateon the fourth day following the election, unless such day is a Sunday orholiday, in which case such canvass shall be on the next following daywhich is not a Sunday or holiday. The state board of canvassers shallmake the final canvass, and the certificate of election of the candidatereceiving the highest number of votes shall be issued in the same manneras is provided for regular elections of national officers.
History: L. 1969, ch. 186, § 7; April 14.