25-4153. Contributions; limitations on amounts anduse; minors under 18 years of age; cash contributions.(a) The aggregate amount contributed to a candidate and such candidate'scandidate committee and to all party committees and political committees anddedicated to such candidate's campaign, by any political committee or anyperson except a party committee, the candidate or the candidate's spouse, shallnot exceed the following:
(1) For the pair of offices of governor and lieutenant governor orfor other state officers elected from the state as a whole, $2,000for each primary election (or in lieu thereof acaucus or convention of a political party) and an equal amount for eachgeneral election;
(2) For the office of member of the house of representatives, district judge,district magistrate judge, district attorney, member of the state board ofeducation or a candidate for local office, $500 for each primary election (orin lieu thereof a caucus or convention of a political party) and an equalamount for each general election.
(3) For the office of state senator, $1,000 for each primary election(or in lieu thereof a caucus or convention of a political party) and anequal amount for each general election.
(b) For the purposes of this section, the face value of a loan atthe end of the period of time allocable to the primary or generalelection is the amount subject to the limitations of this section. Aloan in excess of the limits herein provided may be made during theallocable period if such loan is reduced to the permissible level, whencombined with all other contributions from the person making such loan,at the end of such allocable period.
(c) For the purposes of this section, all contributions made byunemancipated children under 18 years of age shall be considered to becontributions made by the parent or parents of such children. The total amountof such contribution shall be attributed to a single custodial parent and 50%of such contribution to each of two parents.
(d) The aggregate amount contributed to a state party committeeby a person other than a national party committee or a political committeeshall not exceed $15,000 in each calendar year; and the aggregate amountcontributed to any other party committee by a person other than a nationalparty committee or a political committee shall not exceed $5,000 in eachcalendar year.
The aggregate amount contributed by a national party committee to astate party committee shall not exceed $25,000 in any calendar year,and the aggregate amount contributed to any other party committee by a nationalparty committee shall not exceed $10,000 in any calendar year.
The aggregate amount contributed to a party committee by a political committeeshall not exceed $5,000 in any calendar year.
(e) Any political funds which have been collected and were not subject to thereporting requirements of this act shall be deemed a person subject to thesecontribution limitations.
(f) Any political funds which have been collected and were subject to thereporting requirements of the campaign finance act shall not be used inor for the campaign of a candidate for a federal elective office.
(g) The amount contributed by each individual party committeeof the same political party other than a national party committee to anycandidate for office, for any primary election at which two or morecandidates are seeking the nomination of such party shall not exceed thefollowing:
(1) For the pair of offices of governor and lieutenant governor and foreach of the other state officers elected from the state as a whole, $2,000for each primary election (or in lieu thereof a caucus or convention of apolitical party);
(2) For the office of member of the house of representatives, district judge,district magistrate judge, district attorney, member of the state board ofeducation or a candidate for local office, $500 for each primary election (orin lieu thereof a caucus or convention of a political party).
(3) For the office of state senator, $1,000 for each primary election(or in lieu thereof a caucus or convention of a political party).
(h) When a candidate for a specific cycle does not run for office, thecontribution limitations of this section shall apply as though the individualhad sought office.
(i) No person shall make any contribution or contributions to anycandidate or the candidate committee of any candidate in the form of money orcurrency of the United States which in the aggregate exceeds $100 for any oneprimary or general election, and no candidate or candidate committee of anycandidate shall accept any contribution or contributions in the form of moneyor currency of the United States which in the aggregate exceeds $100 from anyone person for any one primary or general election.
History: L. 1981, ch. 171, § 12;L. 1986, ch. 115, § 80;L. 1989, ch. 111, § 5;L. 1990, ch. 122, § 8;L. 1991, ch. 150, § 11; July 1.