25-4306. Same; application; form; number ofsignatures.The application under K.S.A. 25-4305 shall include (a) thename and office of the person sought to be recalled, (b) the grounds forrecall described in particular in not more than200 words,(c) a statement that the sponsors are residentsof the state of Kansasand possess thequalifications of an elector of the state of Kansas and who signed theapplication with the statement of grounds for recall attached, (d) thedesignation of a recall committee of three sponsors who shall representall sponsors and subscribers in matters relating to the recall, (e) thedesignation of at least 100residents of the state of Kansaswho possess thequalifications of electors of the state of Kansas and whosubscribe to the application as sponsors for purposes of circulation,and (f) the signatures and addresses of registered electors in the stateor election district of the state officer sought to be recalled equal innumber to not less than 10% of the votes castfor all candidates for the office of the state officer sought tobe recalled, such percentage to be based upon the last general election for thecurrentterm ofoffice of the officer sought to be recalled.
History: L. 1976, ch. 178, § 4;L. 1976, ch. 177, § 1;L. 2001, ch. 128, § 8;L. 2003, ch. 127, § 2; July 1.