25-4326. Same; petition; determination of sufficiency; when improperly filed.The county election officer of the county where petitions are requiredto be filed, with the assistance and cooperation of each other countyelection officer involved, shall determine the sufficiency of eachpetition for recall of a local officer. Within thirty (30) days of thedate of filing, such county election officer shall review the petitionand shall notify the recall committee and the local officer sought to berecalled whether the petition was properly or improperly filed. Suchcounty election officer shall notify the recall committee that thepetition was improperly filed if he or she determines that (a) there isan insufficient number of subscribing qualified registered electors,(b) the petition was filed within less than one hundred and eighty (180)days of the termination of the term of office of the local officersought to be recalled, (c) the local officer sought to be recalledhas been or is being subjected to another recall election during his orher current term of office, (d) petitions for the recall of other localofficers serving on the same governing body have been properly filed andelections thereon have not been held and the number of such local officersequals a majority of the members of the governing body minus one or (e)the petition does not conform to any other requirement of this act.
History: L. 1976, ch. 178, § 26; L. 1978, ch. 147, § 9; April 25.