25-4503. Ballots; names of candidates; form, marking, return and canvassof ballots; notice; order of names on ballot.(a) The names of the candidates for nomination for president of the UnitedStates by a political party eligible to participate in a state primary electionshall be printed on the official ballots for the presidential preferenceprimary elections of their respective parties along with the choice of "none ofthe names shown." The ballots shall be marked, returned and canvassed in thesame manner and under the same conditions, so far as the same are applicable,as in the case of the primary election of candidates for nomination for stateoffices.
(b) The official presidential preference primary election ballots shallbe printed in a single column and shall have the following heading:
To vote for a person whose name is printed on the ballot make a cross orcheck mark in the square to the left of the name of the person for whomyou desire to vote. To vote for "none of the names shown" make a cross orcheck mark in the square to the left of such words.
This shall be followed by the names of the candidates for president ofthe United States of such party in the manner and order certified by thesecretary of state.
(c) As soon as possible after February 12, the secretary of state shallcertify to each county election officer the name of each person who is acandidate for nomination to be president of the United States of each partyauthorized to participate in the presidential preference primary election.The secretary of state shall publish, not less than 21 days prior to thepresidential preference primary, a notice in one newspaper in each county ofthe state where a newspaper is published, that the official list of candidatesand the date of the election can be acquired in the office of the secretary ofstate or the office of the county election officer.
(d) When a party participating in the presidential preference primaryelection has more than one candidate, the secretary of state shall determine bylot the order in which the candidates' names will appear on the ballot. Theorder of names, as established by the secretary of state, shall be uniform ineach county throughout the state.
History: L. 1978, ch. 141, § 3; L. 1979, ch. 113, § 2; L. 1992,ch. 6, § 5;L. 1993, ch. 287, § 14; July 1.