25-4507. Certification of election results to political party;selection of delegates and alternates to national party, convention;binding of delegates and alternates; adoption and filing of party rules.(a) Upon completion of the state canvass of the results of thepresidential preference primary, the secretary of state shall certify tothe state chairperson of each political party participating in thepresidential preference primary the number of votes received by eachcandidate of that party and the number of votes for an uncommitteddelegation received by that party.
(b) Each political party shall then select as many delegates andalternates to the national party convention as are allotted to it by thenational committee of that party, according to K.S.A. 25-4506and this section, and amendments thereto.
(c) No later than 60 days following the presidential preferenceprimary, delegates and alternates to a national party convention shall beselected by a party at its state convention, or asotherwise provided by party rules adopted by the committees of thepolitical parties. The number of delegates and the number of alternates to a nationalparty convention shall be determined according to party rules.Delegates and alternates to a national partyconvention shall be selected in the manner prescribed by party rules. Thebinding of delegates and alternates to a national party convention shall bedetermined by party rules.All such rules shall befiled with the secretary of state no later than January 2, 1992, and nolater than January 2 every fourth year thereafter.
History: L. 1978, ch. 141, § 7; L. 1979, ch. 113, § 6;L. 1990, ch. 129, § 4; July 1.