25-620. Ballot form for propositions or questions, except constitutionalamendments.Except for propositions to amend the constitution, when a proposition orquestion is to be submitted to the voters of the state or any part thereof, aseparate ballot shall be provided by the county election officers except thatwhen such proposition or question is to be submitted at an election conductedat the time of the holding of an election of officers such proposition may beprinted on the ballot for the election of such officers. The secretary of stateshall prescribe the ballot format but the ballot shall substantially complywith the requirements for ballots for election of officers insofar as suchrequirements are applicable and the provisions of this section. On the ballotthere shall be printed the proposition or question to be voted on. Eachproposition or question shall be preceded by the words, "Shall the following beadopted?" If there is more than one proposition or question to be voted on,the different propositions or questions shall be separately numbered andprinted, and be separated by a broad solid line 1/8th inch wide or by doublelines approximately 1/8th inch apart.
Opposite and after each proposition and question shall be printed twosquares, one above the other. To the right of the upper one of the squaresshall be printed the word "Yes," and to the right of the lower one of thesquares shall be printed the word "No." Across the entire width of the ballot,at the top, shall be printed the following instructions: "To vote in favor ofany question submitted upon this ballot, make a cross or check mark in thesquare to the left of the word 'Yes'; to vote against it, make a cross or checkmark in the square to the left of the word 'No'." On the back of each suchballot shall be printed, in addition to other required matters, the words"questions submitted." County election officers shall cause to be printed onthe outside of question submitted ballots "Ballot No.________" with the blankfilled with a number to aid in distinguishing such ballots when more than onequestion submitted ballot is voted upon at a voting place.
History: L. 1981, ch. 166, § 4; L. 1983, ch. 122, § 1; L. 1992,ch. 291, § 7; July 1.