27-314. Funds remitted to treasurer; authority todraw warrants upon funds; transfer of moneys in the federal surplus propertyfund to funds designated by secretary of administration.(a) All funds received under the provisions of this act and amendmentsthereto shall be remittedto the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, andamendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurershall deposit the entire amount in the state treasury to the credit of one ormore funds designated by the secretary of administration for that purpose andin which the funds are not commingled with funds relating to any other programsor purposes.
(b) The directorof accounts and reports may draw warrants upon those fundsdesignated by the secretary of administration under subsection (a), inaccordance with vouchersapproved by the secretary of administration or thesecretary's designee.
(c) On the effective date of this act, the director of accounts andreports is directed to transfer any moneys in the federal surplus property fundto one or more funds designated by the secretary of administration undersubsection (a). On the effective date of this act, all liabilities of thefederal surplus property fund existing prior to the effective date of this actare hereby imposed on one or more funds designated by the secretary ofadministration under subsection (a). The federal surplus property fund ishereby abolished.
History: L. 1957, ch. 238, § 5; L. 1972, ch. 332, § 43;L. 1976, ch. 387, § 4;L. 1986, ch. 327, § 3;L. 2004, ch. 121, § 3; July 1.