27-321. Same; power of city to establish and create; boundaries ofauthority; annexation, effect on bonded debt; rights of city andauthority.This act shall empower any city to which this act applies to establishand create an authority, and shall empower such city and such authorityto exercise the powers herein granted, and no action, proceeding orelection, other than the adoption of the ordinance referred to inK.S.A. 27-319, shall be required prior to theestablishment and creation of such authority or to authorize theexercise of any of the powers herein granted, any provisions of the lawsof the state or of any city charter or ordinances to the contrarynotwithstanding. The boundaries of any such authority shall becommensurate with the boundaries of the property acquired by theauthority and the property so acquired need not be in a singlecontiguous area. All or any part of the real estate constituting a partof the property located within the boundaries of the authority may beannexed and taken within the corporate limits of the city in the samemanner and to the same extent as any other real estate which is notowned or controlled by the city and any such real estate so annexed andtaken within the corporate limits of the city shall be exempt from anybond indebtedness of the city incurred prior to the date of suchannexation, and the city may exempt such real estate from any city taxeswhich the governing body of the city shall determine. A city whichestablishes and creates an authority under the provisions of this actand the authority created by such city shall have the same rights,privileges and immunities with respect to property located outside themunicipal limits of such city as now exist for any property locatedwithin the limits of such municipality, including the right of eminentdomain: Provided, That the right of eminent domain shall beexercised only by the authority with the approval of the governing bodyof the city in order to acquire property or an interest in or throughair space which is essential, suitable or desirable for the development,improvement, operation or maintenance of a public airport. Such cityshall also have the right to transfer and convey to such authority,without consideration, any public airport owned by such city.
History: L. 1965, ch. 117, § 7; April 16.