27-329. Same; definitions.As used in this act: (a) "City" means a city to which this act appliesas provided in K.S.A. 27-328;
(b) "county" means a county to which this act applies as provided inK.S.A. 27-328;
(c) "authority" means a public airport authority created pursuant tothis act;
(d) "property" means any interest in any real or personal propertyacquired or available for acquisition by the authority from the UnitedStates or any of its agencies, the state of Kansas, any politicalsubdivision thereof, or any other person;
(e) "employee" means an employee of the authority created pursuantto this act;
(f) "public airport" means a public airport, as defined in thefederal airport act of 1946, as amended, and shall include such propertywhich, in the determination of the administrator of the federal aviationagency is essential, suitable or desirable for the development,improvement, operation or maintenance of such public airport orreasonably necessary to fulfill the immediate and foreseeable futurerequirements of such public airport for the development, improvement,operation or maintenance of such public airport, including propertyneeded to develop sources of revenue from nonaviation businesses at suchpublic airport;
(g) "board of directors" means the board of directors of theauthority; and
(h) "director" means a member of the board of directors of theauthority.
History: L. 1978, ch. 148, § 3; April 20.