28-1006. Fees and income collected by officials to county general fund,exceptions.All county officersand employees shall collectfrom others than the county in which said offices are located all feesnow authorized by law. All such fees and income of their respectiveoffices from every source whatsoever, including all notary feescollected by any officer, deputy or clerk in any proceeding pending orto become pending, filed or to be filed in said office, not hereinspecifically authorized to be retained by them, shall be paid over onthe first and fifteenth days of each month, or if either of said datesbe a Sunday or legal holiday, then on the next secular day, to thecounty treasurer, accompanied by a sworn statement in such form as theboard of county commissioners may prescribe, to the effect that all feesand other income collected are correctly set forth therein. All suchfees and income shall be placed by said treasurer to the credit of thecounty's general fund. The county attorney may receive and retain thefees otherwise provided by law for his or her services in prosecutionsand proceedings, both civil and criminal, against violators of the lawsrelating to intoxicating liquors and gambling.
History: L. 1965, ch. 207, § 6; L. 1969, ch. 206, § 3; L. 1971,ch. 140, § 1; L. 1976, ch. 145, § 154; L. 1977, ch. 112, § 15; May 14.