31-139. Same; right of entry to determine compliance with law andregulations; complaint; order to cease and desist.The state fire marshal and those persons designated in K.S.A.31-137 shall have the authority during all reasonable hours of operation toenter, in accordance with existing laws, in and upon all buildings andpremises subject to this act for the purpose of examination, inspection andinvestigation to determine compliance with the rules and regulationspromulgated under the authority of this act. Whenever the state firemarshal or any person designated in K.S.A. 31-137 finds anyviolation of this act or the act of which this section is amendatory, or ofany of the rules or regulations issued thereunder, or any lawful orderissued pursuant thereto, he may file a criminal complaint with the attorneygeneral or the proper district or county attorney or he may issue an orderto the owner or his agent to cease and desist such violations. Any order soissued may be appealed by any person aggrieved thereby, as provided inK.S.A. 31-140, but unless otherwise stated in the order, thefiling or pendency of such appeal shall not abate or operate as a stay ofthe effect of such order.
History: L. 1972, ch. 157, § 8; L. 1974, ch. 172, §2; July 1.