31-143. Fire marshal authorized to advise and assist statecivil defense director; assistance to municipalities; responsibilitiesand duties of state fire marshal.(a) The state fire marshal shall be authorized to advise, assist andcoordinate with the state civil defense director in the development ofcivil defense or disaster plans, and on request shall assist anymunicipality in the enforcement of the state fire prevention code. Heshall have the responsibility for the implementation of any fire safetyprograms developed by the state fire marshal and designed to minimizefire hazards and disasters in loss of life and property from thesecauses. Such responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to, theestablishment and enforcement of fire safety practices throughout thestate; preventive inspection and correction activities; coordination offire safety programs with volunteer and paid fire companies, other stateagencies and municipalities, and the state fire marshal shall analyzeand evaluate Kansas fire loss statistics in order to make adetermination of the problems.
(b) The state fire marshal upon request shall assist the chief ofany recognized fire company or department, any legally designated firemarshal of a municipality and the personnel of other state agencies infire prevention matters.
History: L. 1972, ch. 157, § 12; July 1.