31-403. Disclosure of information by insurance companies; disclosureof information by authorized agency; immunity from liability in civil actions.(a) Any authorized agency may, in writing, require an insurance companyto release to the requesting agencyany or all relevant information or evidence deemed important to the authorizedagency which the company may have in its possession, relating to a fireloss. Relevant information may include, without limitation herein:
(1) Pertinent insurance policy information relevant to a fire loss underinvestigation and any application for such a policy;
(2) premium payment records;
(3) history of previous claims made by the insured; and
(4) material relating to the investigation of the loss, including statementsof any person, proof of loss, and any other evidence relevant to the investigation.
(b) (1) When an insurance company has reason to believe that a fire lossin which it has an interest may be of other than accidental cause, then,for the purpose of notification and for having such fire loss investigated,the company shall, in writing, notify an authorized agency and provide itwith any or all material developed from the company's inquiry into the fire loss.
(2) When an insurance company provides any one of the authorized agencieswith notice of a fire loss, it shall be sufficient notice for the purpose of this act.
(3) Nothing in subsection (b) of this section shall abrogate or impairthe rights or powers created under subsection (a) of this section.
(c) The authorized agency provided with information pursuant to subsections(a) or (b) of this section or K.S.A. 31-404 and in furtheranceof its own purposes, may release or provide such information to any of theother authorized agencies.
(d) Any insurance company providing information to an authorized agencyor agencies pursuant to subsections (a) or (b) of this section shall havethe right to request relevant information relating to such fire loss froman authorized agency and receive, within a reasonable time, not to exceedthirty (30) days, the information requested from an authorized agency.
(e) Any insurance company, or person acting in its behalf, or an authorizedagency which releases information, whether oral or written, pursuant tosubsections (a) or (b) of this section shall be immune from any liabilityarisingout of a civil action by reason of providing such information.
History: L. 1979, ch. 132, § 3; July 1.