31-602. Same; definitions.As used in this act:
(a) "Agent" means any person authorized by the director to purchase and affixstamps onpackages of cigarettes.
(b) "Cigarette" means any roll for smoking, whether made wholly or in part oftobacco or anyother substance, irrespective of size or shape, and irrespective of tobacco orsubstance beingflavored, adulterated or mixed with any other ingredient,if the wrapper is ingreater part made of any material excepttobacco.
(c) "Director," "retail dealer,""vending machine operator,""sale" and "wholesale dealer" shall havethe meaningsascribed thereto in K.S.A. 79-3301, and amendments thereto.
(d) "Manufacturer" means:
(1) Any entity which manufactures or otherwise produces cigarettes or causescigarettes tobe manufactured or produced anywhere that such manufacturer intends to be soldin this state,including cigarettes intended to be sold in the United States through animporter;
(2) the first purchaser anywhere that intends to resell in the United Statescigarettesmanufactured anywhere that the original manufacturer or maker does not intendto be sold in theUnited States; or
(3) any entity that becomes a successor of an entity described in paragraph(1) or (2).
(e) "Quality control and quality assurance program" means the laboratoryproceduresimplemented to ensure that operator bias, systematic and non-systematicmethodological errors andequipment-related problems do not affect the results of the testing. Such aprogram ensures that thetesting repeatability remains within the required repeatability values requiredbyK.S.A. 2009 Supp.31-603, andamendments thereto, for all test trials used to certify cigarettes inaccordance with this act.
(f) "Repeatability" means the range of values within which the repeat resultsof cigarette testtrials from a single laboratory will fall 95% of the time.
(g) "Sell" means to sell, or to offer or agree to do the same.
History: L. 2008, ch. 135, § 2; July 1.