32-1303. Registration with local animal controlauthority; notification; microchip implant; inspection.(a) On and after September 1, 2006, a person who possesses adangerous regulated animal shall notify, in writing, and register the dangerousregulated animal with the local animal control authority.
(b) The notification shall include the person's name, address, telephonenumber and a complete inventory of each dangerous regulated animal that theperson possesses. The inventory shall include the following information: Numberand species of each dangerous regulated animal; the microchip identificationnumber and manufacturer of such microchip for each dangerous regulated animal,if available; the exact location where each dangerous regulated animal is kept;the age, sex, color, weight, scars and any distinguishing marks of eachdangerous regulated animal; and the name of any person who is a registereddesignated handler.
(c) When a person who possesses a dangerous regulated animal has a microchipimplanted in such animal for identification, the name of the microchipmanufacturer and the microchip identification number shall be provided to thelocal animal control authority. If a dangerous regulated animal is sedated forany reason and such animal does not have a microchip implanted, a microchipshall be implanted in such animal. Within 30 days after the microchip isimplanted, the name of the microchip manufacturer and the microchipidentification number shall be provided to the local animal control authority.Within 30 days of acquisition, a person acquiring ownership of an offspringwith a microchip implanted shall comply with microchip information reportingrequirements of this subsection.
(d) A local animal control authority may inspect the premises where dangerousregulated animals are physically located.
History: L. 2006, ch. 131, § 3; July 1.