32-1305. Health and ownership records; change ofaddress notification; escape notification.(a) A person who possesses a dangerous regulated animal shallmeet the requirements set forth in this section.
(b) A person who possesses a dangerous regulated animal shall maintain healthand ownership records on each dangerous regulated animal and shall maintain therecords for the life of the animal. If possession of the dangerous regulatedanimal is transferred to another person, a copy of the health and ownershiprecords shall accompany the animal.
(c) A person who possesses a dangerous regulated animal shall maintain anongoing program of veterinary care which includes a veterinary visit to thepremises at least annually.
(d) A person who possesses a dangerous regulated animal shall notify thelocal animal control authority in writing within 10 days of a change in addressor location where the dangerous regulated animal is kept.
(e) A person with a United States department of agriculture license fordangerous regulated animals shall forward a copy of such person's United Statesdepartment of agriculture inspection report to the local animal controlauthority within 30 days of receipt of the inspection report.
(f) A person who possesses a dangerous regulated animal shall prominentlydisplay a sign on the structure where the animal is housed indicating that adangerous regulated animal is on the premises.
(g) A person who possesses a dangerous regulated animal shall immediatelynotify local law enforcement officials of any escape of a dangerous regulatedanimal. The person who possesses the dangerous regulated animal is liable forany costs incurred by any person, city, county or state agency resulting fromthe escape of a dangerous regulated animal unless the escape is due to acriminal act by another person or a natural event.
(h) A person who possesses a dangerous regulated animal shall maintain awritten recovery plan in the event of the escape of a dangerous regulatedanimal. The person shall maintain live traps or other equipment necessary toassist in the recovery of the dangerous regulated animal.
(i) If requested by the local animal control authority, a person may not movea dangerous regulated animal from such animal's location unless the personnotifies the local animal control authority prior to moving the animal. Thenotification shall include the date and the location where the animal is moved.This subsection shall not apply to a dangerous regulated animal transported toa licensed veterinarian.
(j) If a person who possesses a dangerous regulated animal can no longer carefor the animal, the person shall take the appropriate steps to find long-termplacement for the dangerous regulated animal.
History: L. 2006, ch. 131, § 5; July 1.