32-827. Federal assistance for development of natural resources;department official agency.The department is herebydesignated as theagency of the state of Kansas for the purpose of making application forand procuring aid from the federal government in all matters pertaining tothe development of natural resources insofar as it pertains to the controland utilization of waters, prevention of soil erosion and flood controland is authorized and empowered to act for and represent the state ofKansas in making application for and securing such labor, aidand projects as may be offered, designated, required or made available bythe federal government.
Thedepartment shall havecharge of all funds which may be procured for the purposes specifiedby this section and shall have charge of all projects constructed with suchfunds, except that this section shall not prohibit anypolitical subdivision of thestate now qualified to obtain loans or grants from thefederal government from making applications for and receiving such loans or grants.
History: L. 1933, ch. 108, § 1 (Special Session); L. 1935, ch. 268, § 1;L. 1989, ch. 118, § 14; July 1.