32-844. Real estate transactions proposed or entered into; report tolegislature.(a) The secretary of wildlife and parks shall submit a reportto the legislature at the beginning of each regular session detailing all realestate transactions which are proposed or agreements which have been enteredinto between the department of wildlife and parks and any other party, otherthan another state agency, which relate to any acquisition ordisposition of any real estate,or interest in real estate, by the department of wildlife and parks or any suchcontracting party.
(b) (1) With regard to executed agreements, the report required by thissection shall include for each such acquisition to be reported: (A) The legaldescription of the real estate or interest acquired; (B) the purchase price;(C) if appropriation of state moneys is required for the acquisition, theappraised value of the real estate or interest acquired; and (D) if therealestate or interest therein will remain subject to ad valorem propertytaxation.
(2) With regard to proposed real estate transactions, the report required bythis section shall include for each such proposed transaction to be reported:(A) The legal description of the real estate or interest acquired; (B) ifappropriation of state moneys is required for the proposed transaction, theappraised value of the real estate or interest proposed to be acquired; and (C)if the real estate or interest therein will remain subject to ad valoremproperty taxation.
(c) The reporting requirements of this section shall not apply to realestate or interest therein acquired under the wildtrust program until such timeas the deeds are filed for record.
(d) Agreements which have been entered into and are required to be reportedpursuant to this section shall be published in the Kansas register within 30days of the execution of any such agreement.
History: L. 1993, ch. 185, § 18;L. 2006, ch. 150, § 6; April 27.