32-870. Same; zoning regulations subject to secretary's approval.Upon acquisition of a site for a resort as authorized by K.S.A.32-867 through 32-873, the secretary shall have submitted for the secretary'sapproval or disapproval any proposed zoning ordinance, zoning changes, changesin height or setback requirements or any other variance or exception toexisting zoning regulations, plans or ordinances of any local subdivision ofgovernment affecting land located within one mile of the boundaries of theresort site acquired. Such proposed ordinance, change, variance or exceptionshall be submitted in writing by the governing body of the local subdivision ofgovernment having authority to adopt or make such ordinance, change, varianceor exception by mailing notice thereof to the office of the secretary inTopeka. If the secretary has not disapproved such proposed ordinance, change,variance or exception within 90 days from the date such written notice wasreceived by the secretary as herein provided, such proposed ordinance, change,variance or exception shall be deemed to be approved. If disapproved by thesecretary, the proposed ordinance, change, variance or exception shall be voidand the secretary shall be authorized to maintain an action to enforce thesecretary's order.
History: L. 1972, ch. 298, § 4;L. 1989, ch. 118, § 35; July 1.