32-921. Same; instruction requirements; designation of persons toissue certificates.(a) The secretary shall prescribe a course ofinstructionin hunter education.Except as provided in subsection (c), such course of instruction shall benot less than a total of 10 hours and shall be for persons 11 or more years ofage.
(b) The secretary shall designate those personswho shall issue a certificate of completion ofan approved hunter education course to each person whosuccessfully completes such course of instruction, and such designation andcertificate shall be valid until revoked by the secretary.
(c) The secretary may prescribe a special course of instruction of lessthan a total of 10 hours for persons residing in other jurisdictions andentering this state to hunt. The secretary shall issue a certificate ofcompletion of an approved special hunter education course to each person whosuccessfully completes such special course of instruction. Such certificateshall be valid only within the state through January 31 of the calendaryear following completion of the course. Persons taking such special course ofinstruction shall submit to the department a sum of $25 upon registering forthe course, of which the department shall remit $20 to the instructor.
History: L. 1972, ch. 158, § 2;L. 1985, ch. 136, § 3;L. 1989, ch. 118, § 62;L. 2004, ch. 99, § 3; Jan. 1, 2005.